Individualized Treatment Plans
Lake Granbury Youth Services Center is committed to delivering the right services to the youth in our care. Our qualified clinical team work with each youth, and their family to create a treatment plan, individualized to meet their specific needs and risk factors. Our clinicians provide the necessary support and connections which enable our students to return home successfully and reintegrate into their communities as positive contributing members. Assessments calibrate services to each student so treatment plans are individualized, based on student need. Individualized Treatment Plans structure service delivery, and offer numerous occasions for healing and positive change.

Treatment services will be provided within a strengths-based, cognitive-behavioral and trauma-responsive environment by qualified clinical staff and guided by evidence-based principles.
Treatment Groups are delivered by high qualified clinical staff include Aggression Replacement Training (ART), Thinking for a Change (T4C), Seeking Safety, Pathways, Restorative Solutions and others. Lake Granbury's Clinical Services offers a selection of nine evidence-based individual and group therapies which are provided as prescribed on a student’s individualized treatment plan.
Family Involvement
Lake Granbury is committed to delivering resources and proven practices to promote successful family integration. Families are invited to visit the Lake Granbury campus to participate in games, interactive activities and partake in special meals to promote positive interaction. Where distance or other barriers exist, we assist families to participate in treatment by providing video conferencing, transportation and phone cards.
Lake Granbury provides regular opportunities for families to participate in special events. Through regular family visitation days, graduations and VALIDATE™ ceremonies, we enable families to participate in the youth’s academic and personal growth. We welcome family inclusion for community service projects and spiritual celebrations to strengthen familial connections.